Wednesday, June 28

Don't Tell...

I used to think that surprises were a key part of a birthday. Now I know that it's even more fun to have the beans spilled ahead of time. A few weeks ago, I was running into the library with Doodles. I didn't want to bring the whole diaper bag, so I just grabbed my wallet.

Doodles: I got Mommy a new wallet.
Me: You got Mommy new water?
Doodles: Wallet. I got Mommy a new wallet.
Me [thoroughly confused]: What kind of new wallet?
Doodles: It has a leaf on it.
And then I flashed back to the prior month when I had sent Adam a link to a bunch of wallets I like because the one I have is kind of falling apart. I called Adam very excited:
Me: I'm so excited! I loved the leaf wallet!
Adam: Huh?
Me: My birthday present. I can't wait to get the leaf wallet!
Adam: Um, how do you know about that?
I had thought that would be the last time that Adam let Doodles in one any secrets. Except...

On my birthday* this past Sunday, I came in from my morning run at about 7:15 a.m. Doodles was having breakfast at the table, Sweetie Pie was in her high chair, smashing banana into her face.
Me: Hi, guys!
Doodles: I got you a present!
Me: You did!
Doodles: Yeah! And a cake! I picked out a cake! It's an ice cream cake!
Adam: So much for surprises.
Doodles: I got you an ice cream cake. Can we have cake now?

Moral of the story: 2 3/4 year olds may not be the best at keeping quiet. But it was still an awesome birthday!

*One of the best parts of having a 2 3/4 year old? This conversation:
Me: How old will you be on your next birthday?
Doodles: Two!
Me: No, you're two now. How old will you be?
Doodles: Three!
Me: Right! And how old is Mommy today?
Doodles [very gravely]: Five.
Me: Can you say, "Thirty-eight?"
Doodles: Thirty-eight?
Me: How old is Mommy?
Doodles: Five!

If you say it enough, does it simply come true?


Blogger Carly said...

Oh, that is precious!!! Your ability to write in a way that I can actually SEE what is happening is so much fun!
Thanks for the laughs...

8:58 PM  

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