Wednesday, September 27

Wobbling Along

The benefit of having kids whose birthdays are a mere two days apart is that I can really gauge where Pie is in terms of Doodles. Not that I'm comparing them, but it's merely a point of reference. I commented to Adam that I so clearly remember when Doodles found his feet. We dropped him at the temple childcare for Rosh Hashanah services and when we picked him up, they said, "Oh, he was a doll! So wonderful, so easy to take care of!" And then... between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (an eight-day period) he started walking. And when we went to pick him up after the Yom Kippur services, well, let's just say no one called him a joy to be with.

The first day of Rosh Hashanah was last Saturday. On our way to services, I said to Adam, "Well, if she wants to keep up with her brother, Pie is going to have start walking in the next eight days."

Pie, apparently, is always up for a challenge. Because we were home not two hours from services when the little monkey let go of the ottoman she was standing against and took five wobbly little steps. Today she took it up a notch, and toddled all around the playground. She's still crawling more than walking, but the walking is coming with a vengeance.

My little monkey is officially no longer a baby but a true toddler. How is that possible?


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