Wednesday, November 8

You Better Appreciate This!

I bet you can't tell that I'm working right now. No, really, I am. Okay, I'm not. I'm blogging for all of you, my not-quite-adoring public (who are you people, anyway?). I've been having these awful Bambi moments. You know, the deer in the headlights who's frozen and doesn't know which way to move? I have so much to get done (three freelance projects, holiday and birthday shopping (how dare all you folks who so rudely have birthdays in November and December? And why are there so many of you?), a synagogue activity I'm chairing, Thanksgiving to plan, and, oh yeah, two kids to raise) that I don't know where to begin, so I am instead blogging for you. What dedication! Or is that idiocy? Or is there even a difference anymore?


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