Wednesday, February 14

Boogie On

That girl has got the rhythm, which is somewhat shocking given the gene pool she descends from. The second she hears a beat or a note, Pie's tush starts to groove. Last Saturday we attended a bris. The congregation began to sing "Hinei Ma Tov," which for those in the know, is not exactly a rockin' tune. Didn't matter to Pie. Her little butt couldn't stop from shaking. On Sunday morning I was waiting for a response from Adam to a question and he was taking a long time, so I started humming the theme from Jeopardy. Pie stopped what she was doing, threw her arms in the air and began wiggling her hips. When her brother "plays" the horribly out of tune guitar, she gets jiggy. My favorite thing is when she hears music in her head. Sometimes she'll be doing something and all of a sudden it's like melodies are playing in her head because out of nowhere she'll start to dance. I've decided I've got to find a movement class for that girl, get her some dedicated groovin' time. Because God knows she's not going to get any coordinated moves at home!


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