Friday, February 20

Does Your T-Rex Wear a Kippah?

We ended up one of our days in a mall in Tel Aviv for lunch, primarily, I believe, because it's one of the few locations in Israel with a kosher McDonald's, which is apparently a big deal if you keep kosher, which we clearly do not. My son, the adventurous eater that he is, decided on Sbarro's pizza. In Israel, Sbarro's pizza comes with a kid's prize. Doodles chose dinosaur eggs that will hatch in water, which caused much discussion.

Adam: When the eggs hatch, what kind of dinosaur do you think it'll be?
Doodles: I hope it's a plant eater because if it's a meat eater I'd have to kill something to feed it meat, and I don't know how to do that because I'm not a solider.

He then posed the same question to his youth counselor. His young, sweet Israeli youth counselor. His young, sweet, Israeli, do I need to add Orthodox? youth counselor.
Counselor: It might be a plant eater or it could eat both plants and meat so if it can't find any meat, it could eat plants. What kind of meat would you feed it?
Doodles: Well, bacon is meat. I can feed it bacon.

To which she had no response.

That boy of mine. Always knows just the right thing to say.

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