Wednesday, February 4

Once Upon a Novel

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, known as 2008, I said I'd have a completed draft of my novel done by January 31. Well, it here it is, February 4, and you haven't heard anything about that completed novel, have you?

No, you haven't. And there's a reason for it.

It's not done.

Are you shocked? I bet you are. But I will say that I'm plugging away at it steadily.

Last time I tried writing something, I plopped down the whole thing and then tried to have some friends read it. It was too overwhelming. For them. For me. Couldn't go back and revise as it was this massive task that I didn't know how to begin. So this time around, I'd like to do it as I go along. Have people read a few chapters at time. See if their interest is piqued. See if there are things they don't like. Plot lines that should be halted in their tracks. Characters who are flat. Scenes that simply don't add anything.

Which brings me to you. Yes, you. Oh, put down that coffee and hear me out. Would you care to be my critiquer? You must be brutally honest with me. You must wield a red pen (or red tracking marks) without remorse. You must have the time and inclination to get through a chapter or two each month until the bitter end. You should probably like fiction. Not chick lit, but women's fiction (I mean, you can like chick lit, but this is not it). The book has strong Jewish themes so an interest there would be good.

Are you still with me? If you're game, drop me an e-mail at jenny at jennyandadam[dot]com. And I'll get you some chapters tout de suite.



Blogger Running and living said...

I am in Jenny! Looking forward to it! Ana-Maria

2:39 PM  
Blogger nInA said...

I'd love to read it!
Nina (Yanna's mom)

8:33 AM  
Blogger Daniella said...


1:38 PM  

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