Mamma Mia!
What's better than watching TV? Being on TV. The kids love to have "naked tushie time" to dance. "Rock n' Roll, Mommy!" Doodles orders, and on goes AC/DC's Back in Black. But the thing is, they cram in front of the (small, apartment-sized) television trying to see their own reflections. They try out different moves. Wiggle it up. Rock it out. But it always leads to fighting as they try to make room. So Adam rigged up the video camera so they no longer have to fight to see themselves. Let the dancing begin!

Hey Jenny,
Good luck with the marathon. Looking forward to the post about it. Hope you get over your cold. I've had one since the begining of the year, probably bc I could not get myself to skip my training runs.
Looking forward to running together when we are both done with our marathons. AM
That does look fun!
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