A Party-ing We Shall Go

Tomorrow is the Day of the Birthdays. While both of their actual birthdays were two weeks/a week and a half ago, most of their friends return to town this weekend from Summer, so this weekend is the parties (our town is obscenely late in starting school; per Facebook, most of my friends' kids started going back to school a month ago. Doodles starts this coming Thursday; Pie the Monday after that).
Pie is obsessed. First there are the logistics. "I get to eat the face of the pig" (it's a piggy party). Um, it's a big face. And you have a little tummy. Well, not little. But littler than that face (side note: I expressed concern about both my kids BMI to the doc this week--in opposite directions. Doodles too underweight; Pie unsure about her weight. She told me that Doodles is actually quite height-weight proportionate--he's about 4th percentile for height and just under 10th for weight--and that Pie is fine. She said, and I quote, "I have never seen a breastfed child become obese." So yea child who could not be weaned!).
And then there's the "I don't want any six year olds at my party."
Me: That's fine. But then you can't go to Doodles's party.
Pie: [honestly bewildered] Why not?
And of course the fashion. For their birthdays, they each received T-shirts tied into their interests. Pie got one with pigs on it; Doodles got a mad scientist T-shirt.
Pie: Can I wear my kitty skirt tomorrow?
Me: You can wear whatever you want. But you'll be wearing your piggy shirt and hat?
Pie: Yes!
Me: A solid pink skirt might go best.
Pie: I want to wear the kitty skirt.
Me: That's fine, then.
Pie: It has pink in it so it'll go.
Me: That's great. Wear your kitty skirt.
Pie, thinking for a moment, then says: Well, maybe I'll wear the kitty skirt to Doodles's party and I'll wear a plain skirt to mine.
Me: The parties are on the same day.
Pie: I know.
Me: You're going to change outfits between parties?
Pie, giving me a "duh" look: Of course!
That girl is four years old. And I'm already soooo out of my league!
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