Tuesday, December 4

Break 1
Feeling the burn tonight. Switched shoes, and so far feet are fair. But I'm feeling sleepier tonight than any other night. Barely standing.

I'm waiting to get my ass kicked by a bunch of little old ladies. Multis cleared out last night, so another away-teamer and I were sent downstairs to singles. The woman in charge so obviously didn't want us there, but the operations manager insisted. She set us up, saying, "Well, here's a siscors, but it don't work. There's no tape at this station." The O.M. is running around finding us supplies and we finally start in at 3:50. We get about five items done each when the woman comes back and says, "We stop at 4. You gotta clean up now." The other wrapper says, "Let me just finish my tote," and the woman says, "No, you gotta clean now." We had back to out original stations and run into the O.M. who's asking why were headed back. I told him, "They stop at 4 over there," and a woman standing behind him shoots daggers at me. The O.M. was instantly on the phone making sure that they no longer end early. I'm waiting for the singles wrapping posse to find me in a corner of the F.C. to get me for ratting them out.

Tonight's gift card so far: The gift: Gay Men Straight Jobs. The card: "Maybe you should add your job."

Found out tonight that in addition to taking over Delivers, I'll also be taking on SNPs.


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