Wednesday, July 3

If you've been having trouble getting to the blog, it's us, not you. Our server location is changing, which caused (will cause? is causing?) some downtime.

Right now I'm killing time in the Natick library waiting for Adam to get in. Last night I killed time by going to a movie. Anywere indoors. Today it's supposed to hit 96 degrees. Anyway, as I told Adam, there are lots of things that are forgivable. But some, some are completely unforgivable. Moving me to Boston. Forgivable. Launching me into a job search. Forgivable. Making certain movies off-limits so I'm forced to see Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisters. Unforgivable. I blame Sandra for putting the thought into my head that it would be a decent movie. What was I thinking, taking recommendations from Sandra? That is my own fault. Anyway, I figure someone owes me $9, I'm just not sure who.

House inspection today at 1 p.m. Feeling a little nervous about showing the place to Adam. I'm not sure why I should be concerned: he's too easygoing to not like it.


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