Sunday, January 26

It Isn't Super and No One Has a Bowl

My play-by-play commentary:

The Buccaneer fans don't look even the tiniest bit menacing. The Raider fans, though, are not ones you'd want to meet in a dark alley. By fandom alone, this game is the Raiders.

Celine Dion is singing "God Bless America." Do you think the organizers don't know that she's Canadian? And that no one likes her? (And don't give me any crap about Canada being part of the Americas. Irrelevant here.)

How cool would it be if, as the players introduced themselves and said what colleges they went to, they also said what their GPAs were?

The Osbourne's Diet Pepsi commercial hands down the best of the night.

Does anyone really care who wins this game?

Melissa Rivers has done the unbelievable: sunk to new levels with Help, I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here, a celebrity survivor show, which apparently, has done well in the U.K.

"There isn't any fire, there's no emotion. I mean these guys are fighting for the championship of the world." Um, yeah. If by "championship" you mean "the single sport of football" and by "world" you mean "the self-absorbed United States."

Why are car commercials so boring. Isn't there anything interesting they can say about a car? Yawn.

Do you think Jon Gruden is sitting there on the sideline calling out, "Hey, anyone want a little time in the Super Bowl? You can play on the winning team. You, water boy? Wanna play? Yo, Brad? Your mother want to get in this game?" How much are advertisers bumming that a lot of people have already flipped the channel.

Who do you have to sleep with to get to be a Dial-a-Down guy at the Super Bowl? More specifically, who do I have to sleep with to be a Dial-a-Down guy at the Super Bowl?

How much longer until reality TV does a sports show? And I'm not talking about the police report on the 11 o'clock news.

"The Raiders are clearly back in the game." Yeah, but the viewers aren't and the advertisers are screwed anyway. They should've just stayed in the game from the beginning.

I miss the Bud Bowl.

Apparently it wasn't all that clear to the Raiders that they were back in the game. Whoops.

I guess you can't judge a team by its fans. Game's over. And I still don't care.


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