On Saturday, Adam and I took the Doodlebug to the Head of the Charles, that oh-so-genteel competition in which men and women sit in skinny little boats and race down the Charles River. Much to my disappointment, they don't race head-to-head--those are sprints. I know, silly me, thinking a race called "Head" would involve people competing head-to-head, but no, it's all time trials, so you just watch boats shooting by. The Doodlebug was so fascinated, he fell asleep within seconds of leaving the warmth of the car, and stayed happily asleep until we returned to the car. One interesting thing to note is that Adam does not restrict his sports rage to baseball. One of the coxswain steered his boat into the oncoming lane, and the rowers were banging oars with those headed up the river. Adam unleashed a vile string of insults on the coxswain that was worthy of Roger Clemens. Who knew that he had such strong feelings? Actually, Adam's deep dark secret is that he was a coxswain in college. Although, if you think about it, it's quite fitting. What else is a skinny kid with a loud mouth going to do? Let's hope that the Doodlebug doesn't inherit his fathers sporting skills.
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