Random Things
- Those little teeth! So small. So white. So many tears! God bless grape-flavored Infant Tylenol (and cherry just doesn't do it).
- Why did they bother making a Scooby Doo 2?
- Generally I prefer running sans music, however, lately I've found it a necessity. Because the only thing worse than running with a kid's song in your head ("Fuzzy and blue (and orange). We're all fuzzy and blue (and orange)") is running with the music from a toy in your head ("Hello lion in the African sun. Tickling your mane is really fun").
- The Academy Awards are simply no fun when you've seen only two of all the nominated films.
- Doodles sits! By himself! For minutes at a time. That's progress.
- Separation anxiety: flattering for me? Or a new way for my darling child to keep me prisoner in my own home?
- What's cuter than your child holding on for dear life as he hunches dangerously over on the baby swing in the park as his parents push? Actually, he seemed to like the swing. But not as much as putting the sand from the sandbox in his mouth.
- For a child who doesn't like to eat solids, he's certainly pooping like he's been eating solids. Oh my, has it turned deadly in the nursery!
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