Wednesday, December 15

From the Quit While You're Ahead Department

J: Oh, look! On your I.M. I'm listed as "Extra Special Person"!
A: [with a touch of sarcasm] Of course you are.
J: What's that supposed to mean? When did you do that?
A: [gives me a weird look]
J: What?
A: I didn't do it.
J: Whadda mean?
A: You did it. I left you with my computer one day, and you got pissed that you were just "Friend" so you changed yourself.
J: [upset] What? Really?
A: Really.
J: Couldn't you have lied? Couldn't you have just said that you did it? I would never have known the difference!

[Five minutes later]
J: Give me your computer; I need to blog that. Hmmm, what were your exact words?
A: I don't remember.
J: Okay, then I'll embellish.
A: I expect nothing less.


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