Wednesday, March 30

Double Trouble

Doodles wasn't just cranky on the plane ride to Miami. He was sick. Which makes me feel like a bad mother for complaining about him. We got to Miami and it turns out he had a double ear infection. The exact words of the local doctor (after removing copious amounts of wax in order to peer in) were, "Oooh, those ears are ugly!"

So we got the good-old reliable antibiotic prescription. Only, we were in Miami. What difference does that make? Well, in the Yankee northeast, when a child is prescribed antibiotics, it comes in a pretty pink-tinted, bubble-gummed flavor elixer. Doodles loves the stuff. He will suck it out of the syringe. But in Miami, antibiotics come in a pale white, tropical fruit flavor nastiness. And Doodles hates tropical fruit flavors. Getting the medicine down him is a two-person task, with one person holding down his arms while the other forces the medicine into his mouth.

The medicine did the trick, of course. But I think Doodles learned a valuable lesson: don't get sick in the south.


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