Wednesday, June 28

In Case You Were Wondering...

Sweetie Pie is now ten months old and not only has she not yet slept through the night, but her sleeping is... getting... WORSE!!!! Last night I nursed her three times, rocked her, walked her, patted her to no avail--she still cried for two and a half hours. I ended up calling poor Adam while he was at a Red Sox game--his only night out with friends in I-don't-know-how-long--to cry that Sweetie was asleep on my lap and I didn't know what to do with her. We're at the point where I'm either going to call for a sleep consultant to come over or even, gasp! try to get an appointment with Dr. Ferber, who works in the city.

Doodles, charming, gorgeous, lovable Doodles, has entered the terrible threes. Hey, he's precocious! Two months ahead of schedule! Refuses to go to bed. Gets up five times (at least) before be willing to sleep at night. Throws temper tantrums at naptime when he is clearly tired. Doesn't want to go to school. Doesn't want to listen. Wanders off. Says, "It's okay. I can go by myself," or "It's okay. I can do it myself," when he's clearly not allowed to. Refuses--refuses--to have diapers changed, to the point of running off, yelling, "Don't change my diaper! I don't need my diaper changed!" Refuses to let us put sun block on (don't worry--we get it on!): "I don't like lotion! Stop putting lotion on me! You can't put lotion on me!"*

Calgon, take me away!

*Note, it's not all bad. There are those incredibly sweet moments when Doodles curls up to me to listen to Winnie the Pooh, even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't understand most of it. And Sweetie Pie is starting to cruise and she laughs at everything Doodles does. And Doodles spontaneously kisses Sweetie and has requested several times that we "should go to the hospital and get another baby sister," because he likes the one he has so much [hey buddy, with your and your sister's attitudes? Fat chance! You've safely cured all of us of baby fever!] And the smile and hugs I get from both of them when I pick them up from day care, Doodles's run across the room and Sweetie's flapping of the arms. Doodles on the guitar asking, "Mommy, what song should I play?" The awesome hugs he now gives... and so much more! But on days like we've been having lately, sometimes it's hard to remember these moments.


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