Wednesday, December 27

From the Mouths of Babes, Part 2

Doodles [on the drive home from Christmas dinner at friends' house]: Why do they have Santa in their yard.
Me: It's a Christmas decoration. People decorate their homes for the holiday.
Doodles: Next year I want a Santa in our yard.
Me: No, sweetie, we don't do that. Jewish people don't decorate with Santa.
Doodles: Oh.
Adam: Your mommy does want an eight-foot menorah in the lawn.
Doodles: I would like that. Next year, I want an eight-foot menorah in our lawn.
Yeah! Eight-foot menorah, here we come!

Me: Doodles, you're only wearing one sock.
Doodles: I know. I had too much sock so I took one off.

I can't get Doodles's paints to work. He's clearly getting frustrated and finally says, "Oy vey! What a day!"

Pie has been cranky all day. Finally, I give in and nurse her. When she's done, she happily hops down and heads immediately to my Martha Stewart magazine. She proceeds to bend down and kiss the cover of it multiple times.

Me: We're going over to J.'s house for a Christmas Eve party. We need to dress up!
Doodles: I'd like to dress up as a witch, again!


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