Pie B'Israel

And Pie? What about Pie on this trip? Let me tell you what we've learned about Pie:
--Her legs break easily. But they heal quickly when ice cream is involved.
--She (along with her brother) have discovered that, yes, chocolate pudding does actually qualify as a breakfast food in Israel, and have availed herself of one daily.

--If you give her 20 shekels to Pie and 20 shekels to Doodles for ice cream to spend while they're off with the other kids and the counselors, Doodles will come immediately back and hand you 11 shekels in change. Pie on the other hand will come back with a wad of chewing gum in her mouth (which the youth counselor said she bought and announced, "I'm going to share it with my family," but when this family member requested a piece, she shook her head vehemently and chewed harder) and ice cream on her face, and yet, when you ask for the change back, she'll stick her hand in her pocket, rattle around a couple of coins, and say, "I can't find it." When you stick your hand in your pocket and retrieve the coins, she says, "Oh, there it is," and giggles.
--She thinks the Kotel is "cool."
--The girl can find a phone. Anywhere. No, seriously. Anywhere.
--No, she doesn't need the potty. Yes, she's sure. Don't you get it? She doesn't need the potty!! Until five minutes later. When she needs the potty right now because she has to go really badly!
--She likes teenagers. Oh, does she like teenagers. Especially the girl kind who fawn over her and do her hair.
Reality is going to be a bitch for this little one. We're about to hit a "no pudding, no shekels, no ice cream twice a day" zone. It's going to be a rough re-entry folks. Hold on tight.
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