Monday, July 22

Jackson, Wyoming
Okay, I've upgraded to the "fancier" blogger so that I can now change dates on my posts. I'm still figuring it out, but it does mean that now when I have to write three days in a row, because I can't dial in while in some dinky town, I can still post in order. Works nicely. Anyway, we made it to Wilson, Wyoming, (which is just outside of Jackson), where we are staying in my aunt and uncle's gorgeous house out in the wilderness. I hadn't seen my cousin Brandon in 8 years (he's 9 now) so it's been great meeting him. Their house is not to be believed, I'm telling you. Huge, tons of windows, sunken couch, wood beams larger than a phone pole. You walk in and feel instant lust for the place. It's hard not to. They have two dogs whose main purpose is to keep the cattle off their property (which also explains the huge ranch-like gate at the end of their driveway). The dogs also help keep away the coyote and the bears. We've seen elk, deer, and a couple of hawks so far. Anyway, as a bonus, my grandparents were here yesterday as well, so we got some good quality family time all around. Today we told my aunt, Loren, that we'd take Brandon to camp for her, because she was super busy. So we roused him from bed (late), threw the last waffles in the oven for him, and hurried him off. "Get your shoes onl," I told him. He slips on a pair of shoes that are about 5 sizes too big for him. "Are those your shoes? They look like your mothers." "Nope, they're mine!" "Are you sure?" Adam looks him over and says, "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in a smaller pair of shoes?" "Nope, I want to wear these!" Adam looks at me and asks, "What do we do?" I shrug. "Let him wear them, I guess." So off we go, Brandon swimming in his shoes. Halfway down, 15 minutes late, a thought occurs to me. "Do they feed you lunch, Brandon?" He shakes his head and giggles. "No." "Where do you normally get your lunch?" "My mom makes me a sandwich." Great. So off he goes to camp in huge shoes and no lunch. He promises he's gone without lunch before, but I ply him with our travel food granola bars anyway, which of course he leaves in the car. His counselor must think I'm completely moronic.

Tomorrow we're headed for South Dakota, via Devil's Tower. I'm sure there will be more excitement to publish then.


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