Wednesday, July 30

To Everything, Turn Turn Turn

So Brown Brown is officially stubborn or slow (let's hope for stubborn). Today was his deadline for moving into position. But nope, his head is still stubbornly in my side. Adam gave me hope with the story from a coworker about his baby moving into position at 35 weeks. Apparently, it happened when they were out to dinner and the guy could actually see the baby moving from across the table. So folks who will see me in the next week, maybe you'll get a show!

A side note: how did people have babies before the Internet? We've ordered furniture, nursing clothes, diaper bag, room decorations, and gotten more information than we really want to know from the Web. I can't fathom how it was done back in the days of yore, like ten years ago. It's almost like trying to envision life without ATMs. Impossible!


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