Wednesday, October 1

Danger Averted

Everyone knows I love my son. How could I not? The Doodlebug is the absolute cutest, most amazing thing ever. However, today, he came this close (picture thumb and finger practically touching) to being dropped off at the orphanage. Today began day two of the "No, Mom, that's not what I want, but I'm not going to tell you what it is I do want" screaming. (My best friend is pregnant and I'm afraid to talk to her these days because all I have are stories of exhaustion, yells, and sore eardrums; I don't want to scare her off. But as she says, it's too late anyway so she might as well be well prepared.) We just solved that though, because I put him in his bouncy chair and told him, "Okay, go ahead, scream here for five minutes; I need food" (yesterday, I didn't get breakfast until 3:30 in the afternoon, and we're all a lot happier when I eat a bit more regularly). And remarkably, he screamed for four minutes and fell asleep. So now I've not only gotten to enjoy food and scan the headlines, I'm also making a pot of my favorite almond tea (I stocked up at Whittard's when I was in London last February) and catching up on the blog. If today's entries stop abruptly, it will be because the Doodlebug woke up. This afternoon, our exciting plans include a trip to Babies R Us for bigger onesies (he may be short, my the Doodlebug is rapidly gaining weight and any day now, he'll be busting out of his 0-3 month clothes, even though he is just under 6 weeks) and to Old Navy for smaller jeans (my sister had bought me a huge pair, and happily in the couple of weeks since she's left, I'm down from enormous to gigantic and need to exchange the jeans for a size down). Oh, did you hear that? Yes, that's right, just as my tea is ready, the Doodlebug begins to warm up his lungs....


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