Wednesday, August 10

A Relaxing Lunch

This afternoon Doodles and I were running errands not far from Adam's office, so I called him to see if he wanted to meet up for lunch. He was game. As we walked into Bertucci's, I said to Adam, "We haven't been out to eat for a while as a threesome." "You're right," he agreed.

Three minutes into sitting down, we suddenly were reminded why it had been so long. "Milk! Milk! Milk!" the little person with the big voice demanded from the end of the table. We weren't sure whether or not to get him a high chair--at home Doodles uses a booster seat--but we decided containment was good. Only there's nothing containing about a high chair anymore. The waitress brought him his milk in a paper cup with a plastic lid and a straw. Doodles instantly become more interested in removing the lid than in drinking the milk. And, oh what a lovely sound the straw makes when you slide it against the plastic. "All done milk! All done chair," he stated, as he stood up.

"Doodles, please sit. Mommy and Daddy want to eat."


Adam foolishly put Doodles in the booth next to him. For the next half hour, Adam struggled to keep Doodles from climbing over our booth into the meal of the person in the booth behind him. Finally, Doodles found a really entertaining game. He'd take the sugar packets, one by one, and crumple them. Then he'd turn around and hide them in the back of the seat, cramming them into the booth. We momentarily panicked when the sugar packets ran low, but Adam was able to successfully grab them back when Doodles wasn't looking, pass them back to me to smooth out and discreetly return to the sugar tray. It wasn't easy, but Adam and I both finished our meals.

We returned to Adam's office so Adam could change Doodles diapers. I threatened that as soon as the two were in the bathroom, I was leaving. B*astard took my car keys with him. So much for my free and relaxing afternoon.


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