Wednesday, September 12

And So We End 5767...

One of my finer moments, indeed: Standing in the playground next to the elementary school on the first day that school is in session, watching my son holding his crotch as he attempts to scale the climber, and realizing, that, yes, I did just shout at the top of my lungs in front of about 18 parents, "If you need to use the potty, we're leaving right now!"

Doodles ends up in our bed pretty much every night. Usually he wanders in around 2 or 3 a.m., but he was up pretty late on Saturday night and it was a packed day: Town Day in 96 degree weather (lots of booths, entertainment, food, and such), a gymnastics birthday party, and our block party. Sunday he was pretty much a wreck, and he had yet another birthday party in the afternoon. By that night, he was wiped and cranky and miserable and anxious about preschool starting the next day (all of a sudden, he decided he didn't want to go), so I ended up putting him to bed at about 6:15. He fell asleep within minutes. But at 10:30, Adam heard little pitter patters upstairs:
Adam: Hey, Buddy. You're awake early tonight.
Doodles: Yeah, but I went to sleep before Pie.
Adam: Yes? So?
Doodles: So, I sleep faster than Pie.

And Pie? What does Pie have to say for herself these days? Her two current favorite expressions: "Right now!" and "No way!" As in, "I want to see the animals RIGHT NOW!" and, in response to, oh, "time for nap!" a very tearful, "No way, Mommy! No way!"

I'm in the throes of stay-at-home momness. Pie's two-day-a-week daycare ended two weeks ago and we still have another week and a half till she starts her three-morning-a-week preschool (and how am I planning to do work that didn't really fit into my 16-hour-a-week workweek into my new 9-hour-a-week workweek? I'll get back to you on that). Doodles started preschool this week (and, fingers crossed, seems to be happy going), which means I've had some nice alone time with Pie. Who is using it to break me.

Pie and I had to go into Brookline yesterday--the center of all that is Jewish in this part of the world--to buy food for Rosh Hashanah and that girl wreaked havoc in these tiny, cramped stores. The kosher supermarket? Oh, what is more appealing than row after row of kosher cookies? "I want that! I want that!" pointing to every box on the shelf. The selection of Israeli yogurts? Worthy of a chant! "Yo-gurt! Yo-gurt! Yo-gurt! Yo-gurt! YO-GURT!" And look at all those bottles of wine! Must touch every bottle of wine! The bakery wasn't much better, oh Pie with the saucer eyes. "What's that? What's that? What's that?" I had told her she could pick out one thing at the bakery, anything she wanted, and I only blanched a little when she pointed to a very sticky sticky bun, but happily complied when she found an M&M cookie bigger than her head. In true Pie fashion she took three nibbles of it, handed it to me, and asked for an apple. Who is this child? I took her to the bookstore with promises of a new book about the holidays. Pie didn't care. She pulled books one by one off the shelf and sat in the middle of the store. She called out, "Circle time!" and held the book open in front of her and began narrating (side note: Pie has never been interested in sitting and being read to--she's always preferred leafing through books on her own--but I've realized I can get her to listen to a very short story if I sit on the floor with the book open, reading upside down, and calling it "circle time."). People are climbing over her and her pile of books and I'm eying her to make sure that 1) she's not damaging any of the books and 2) that she's not trying to have circle time with a sidur or Torah.

And now I'm off to start my preparations. Tomorrow we have friends over for a Rosh Hashanah lunch and then, in a fit of, I don't know, idiocy? I invited about 20 toddlers and preschoolers over for a Friday afternoon apples and honey snack. Honey. Toddlers. My newly cleaned house. I was thinking what?


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