Busy, Busy, Busy
This past week has to have been one of the busiest ones yet. I feel like it was nonstop, and I'm not ready to collapse in a heap at my computer. What have I done? It's all a big blur.
Adam had a night out with friends, I had a night out with friends (hi Elizabeth! It was fun!), I had (have) a job I'm working on, a preschool project that I got suckered into doing, a family Shabbat dinner, a meet-up with a fellow blogger whom I'd never met before but was in Boston for a conference, a women's community Passover seder (no Passover hasn't started--this was a fun, feminist version that involved many tambourines). Throw in some boot camp, a bit o' running, and a zillion chores (dentist appointment? Made. Eye doctor appointment? Made. Camp for Doodles? Taken care of. Car inspection? Done.) and that's what I've been up to.
Oh, and our little trip to New York. But this time for a day. Eight whole hours. Yes, I know how fun that sounds. Surprisingly it was incredibly uneventful and actually quite a success. I almost hesitate to blog about it, because nothing untoward happened.
After not nearly enough sleep, I roused myself from slumber at 5:30 on Saturday morning. Slapped together some sandwiches, woke the rest of the family, and we were on the road by 6:15 a.m. The purpose of the trip was dual fold: My mom has a show up right now at Nohra Haime Gallery (that's it on the walls and on the table in the pic; if you're in NYC go see it--it's up till April 26) and there was a breakfast at 9 a.m. and we thought it would be fun to go to. And then the other reason is it was my dad's birthday (random aside: did anyone else realize that when your parent's age equals the year of your birth, your age will equal the year of his or her birth; so for instance, my dad turned 68. I was born in 1968. And this year I'll turn 40. My dad was born in 1940. Try it--it works).
We made the trip in 3 1/2 hours, having parked and made our way to the gallery by 10 a.m., and my father was dutifully surprised. We spent the morning at the Children's Museum of Manhattan, which was cute but nowhere near the level of the Boston Children's Museum. We had a fabulous deli lunch at Artie's (it's the kind of place that has pickles and slaw on the table for you a la Wolfie's), kids got their subway rides, and then hung out at my parents place. I walked around a bit, hit a flea market. We had cakes from Citarella. At about 6:30 p.m., we put kids in pjs and headed home. Both kids were passed out before we left the Bronx. We were home by 10 p.m.
I wish there was more to tell you. I wish we'd had a meltdown or two or Pie peed somewhere or something, but it was such a manageable trip, I'd consider doing it again.
Adam had a night out with friends, I had a night out with friends (hi Elizabeth! It was fun!), I had (have) a job I'm working on, a preschool project that I got suckered into doing, a family Shabbat dinner, a meet-up with a fellow blogger whom I'd never met before but was in Boston for a conference, a women's community Passover seder (no Passover hasn't started--this was a fun, feminist version that involved many tambourines). Throw in some boot camp, a bit o' running, and a zillion chores (dentist appointment? Made. Eye doctor appointment? Made. Camp for Doodles? Taken care of. Car inspection? Done.) and that's what I've been up to.
Oh, and our little trip to New York. But this time for a day. Eight whole hours. Yes, I know how fun that sounds. Surprisingly it was incredibly uneventful and actually quite a success. I almost hesitate to blog about it, because nothing untoward happened.

I wish there was more to tell you. I wish we'd had a meltdown or two or Pie peed somewhere or something, but it was such a manageable trip, I'd consider doing it again.
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