Thursday, June 26

You've Missed the Rants, Haven't You?

It's been a while since I'm ranted about Boston, hasn't it? Hate to disappoint folks, so:
  • Is it not bad enough that drivers here are so bad when they are just driving that they have their own special name, Massholes? Now, they want to multitask? On the way into work, the guy in the next lane was reading a newspaper as he drove in.
  • Red Sox fans are rude. No disrespect to my own live-in Red Sox fan, but whenever I take the T around Boston University, some student always stands and offers me his/her seat. Coming back from an interview downtown, I was on a subway with folks heading to Fenway for the day game (my office is very close to Fenway. In fact, I have a great view of it from my window), and my stomach was moving--moving, I tell you! with all of Brown Brown's little acrobatics--and not a single "Yankee Sucks"-decked person thought they should give me their seat.
  • How does the weather go from a high of 61 degrees (last week) to a high of 97 degrees yesterday! What is up with that! I mean, the home page of has the current weather as "83, Dreary." Dreary? Is that a real forecast?
  • Why are the individual towns so unfriendly? Try to visit a friend in Cambridge. Just try! If you don't friggin' practically park in Allston, BAM! A $15 ticket for parking in a permit only spot. Um, can you please show me what's not a permit only spot? Because they don't exist!
Okay, that's good for now. Although, remarkably, I'm still in an awesome mood. I think I just needed to get that out.


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