Friday, August 8

Reading Is Fundamental

(Does RIF still use that big dog? What was his name?) You know what the best thing about working with writers and editors is? They all love to read. My fantastic office threw me and Brown Brown a book shower and now Brown Brown has a library extraordinaire. At lunch time on Wednesday, we had pizza and chocolate cake with extra frosting (mmm, frosting! In fact, when my boss ordered the cake, the store said to her, "We can put plastic booties on the cake," and she told them, "You better make them out of frosting." Anyone who's ever eaten cake within a mile radius of me knows that frosting makes me weak in the knees. Chocolate cake with vanilla frosting is just about the best thing ever invented). My boss said lots of nice things about me (the shower also doubled as my going-away party as my last day--Aug. 22--happens when a few folks will be on their vacations), and she gave me a gift certificate for a pedicure. And then everyone gave us lots of books! Some great classics (such as Dr. Seuss, Curious George, Mother Goose) and some I'd never heard of but now think are just fabulous (Five Minutes' Peace and Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, to name two)! I got home on Wednesday night with my pile of books to discover that our glider came in, so now I not only have lots of books to read to Brown Brown, but I have a place to read to him!


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