Wednesday, August 10

I Could Tell You...

I really have nothing to say today. Actually, I probably have plenty to say today, but it's hot and I'm tired and my tush hurts when I sit and my groin hurts when I stand and I just don't have the energy to truly blog. I could tell you how Doodles pulled a no-nap day yesterday and pretty much sent me over the edge and I had more than my share of bad mommy moments. I could tell you how Doodles and Adam just finished up a "Mommy and Me" kayaking class and now Doodles asks for "kayaking! kayaking! People in boats!" I could tell you how Doodles is actually developing a memory, and if you ask him what he did yesterday or this morning, he can tell you. I could tell you how he's finally figured out how to get out of bed, and yesterday morning we were greeted by the pitter patter of little feet and a great big grin in our faces at 6 a.m. (which is blessedly late in our house). I could tell you how Doodles and I attempted to swim at a friend's house, but Doodles was "All done water" almost instantly, even though it was the first time in months I actually felt good in my body. I could tell you how I'm wrapping up work--I've done my last copyedit job and written my last book review until Sugar Face is old enough for day care, and I'm excited at the prospect of a couple of days to just get nested. But really none of this is very interesting and I don't feel like trying to figure out how to make it interesting.

Tomorrow is my ultrasound to confirm that Sugar Face is not breech, at which time my c-section is cancelled and it'll be my first weekly visit where the doctor checks for dilation, which is exciting for me, as I never had that done for Doodles, since he was a known c-section. So it's possible I'll have something interesting to write next week. But don't count on it.


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