Wednesday, August 17

Music to Birth By

I've been loading up my ipod with music I want to listen to while I labor. At first I was trying to think of songs that would be appropriate for a birth, and then I thought, "Screw that!" I'm putting in the songs I want to hear regardless of whether they are birth appropriate. At first I thought it would be like those folks who play "I Will Survive" and those other fun, but really break-up songs, at their weddings, but then I realized the whole point of the music is to power me up when I need it and to calm me down when I need it. So even though Liz Phair and the Beastie Boys may not be the most child friendly, they're what I want to hear. Although Adam gave me a funny look when I told him I wanted him to make sure that, as the baby is crowning, he puts on "Who Let the Dogs Out." If that's not a power song, I don't know what is. Woof woof.


Blogger Roni said...

ha! Miss Ella was born to No Doubt's Return of Saturn or Rock Steady. I can't remember. All I do recall is hearing Gwen's voice. Both those CDs were in the CD player at any given time during labor. Rock on and rock that baby out!

11:21 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

Can't wait to know the rest of the playlist!

11:27 PM  

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