Friday, August 8

Freudian Block?

Forget not telling you people Brown Brown's real name: I can't seem to remember it myself! Adam and I were setting things up in the nursery and we were debating where to put all our wonderful new books. "We could get those cute book ends that are letters," I said, "and put the books on top of the table. You know"--and I'm sticking with Xavier as a first name here (no people, not the real name!)--"an X and a B." Adam looked at me, smiling. "And what would that stand for?" he asked. I looked at him strangely. "You know. Xavier Brow-- Oh. Um, I mean an X and an M." I think not remembering my own son's name could cause some serious psychological damage. But considering that the damage has to be done in some way, I guess that one's not too bad.


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